Monday, March 28, 2016

Jamie's Thoughts: Weekly Cook Up #2

Sauteed Kale with Garlic

This week's cook up was a quick one because my boyfriend's family is coming into town and we'll be spending time with them.  I didn't want to overcook.  I started out by sauteing this yummy kale I got in my Imperfect Produce Box.  

Friday, March 25, 2016

Fagan Eats Paleo Recipe: Paleo Chocolate Hazelnut Muffins

Oh man.  Guys.  These muffins are so yummy.  If you happen to be looking for a special weekend breakfast treat, then these Paleo Chocolate Hazelnut Muffins are for you.  

Monday, March 21, 2016

Fagan Eats Paleo Product Review: RxBar Protein Bars


Sometimes I play around with certain macro ratios to see what works best for me.  My biggest challenge is hitting the protein-mark while staying on point with my fat intake at the same time.  It's not easy.  Finding Paleo-friendly, whole food sources of protein bars/powders is equally challenging.  That's why I'm always in search of a great tasting Paleo protein bar.  

Friday, March 18, 2016

Monday, March 14, 2016

Jamie's Thoughts: Weekly Cook Up #1

Epic Bar Duck Fat

I thought I'd do a quick little blog post on what my weekly cook up's look like.  And i'm starting it out with this yummy duck fat from Epic!  I absolutely love slathering this stuff on veggies.  

Friday, March 11, 2016

Fagan Eats Paleo Recipe: Paleo Barbecue Chicken Drumsticks

I've said it before and I'll say it again:  some recipes are born out of necessity.  And that's just how these Paleo Barbecue Chicken Drumsticks came to be.  But that doesn't make them any less delicious.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Fagan Eats Paleo Product Review: Cappello's Pasta

I so wanted to have a recipe done for today's blog post.  But these are the pitfalls of just trying to whip up whatever comes into your head. Sometimes it doesn't work out.  Haha.  And this new super secret recipe (are you totally dying to know what it is yet?!) isn't quite right yet. Back to the drawing board it is.  In the meantime, let me talk to you about this super awesome Paleo pasta, Cappello's.